Friday, April 16, 2010

My Spring Break

So spring break is over, and you'd think i spent it like other people would, by going out everyday. I actually spent it in bed sick, and throwing my guts out!!! How sad, i spent the entire spring break in bed. I managed to stay alive because my brother bought the entire series or battlestar galactica, and since i had nothing to do, or better yet nothing better to do i spent my spring break watching the entire series. YES! the entire 4 seasons, that 73 long hour episodes each!!! at first i didnt want to see it, i didnt want to see it while it played on tv, why would i see it now, but my brother forced me to so i did. After a couple of episode i had to see what the next episode was.... The downfall to watching the entire series was staying up every night. Meaning, the entire week i stayed up every night, and i probably had like 10 hours of sleep altogether!!!